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two pairs of boots sitting on a wooden bench against a yellow background.

The Best Fall Footwear for Neuropathy Sufferers

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various healthy Halloween treats

Halloween Treats That Won’t Trigger Arthritis Inflammation

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senior woman smiling as she carves a pumpkin.

Fall Crafts & Pumpkin Carving with Arthritis

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two cups of apple cider vinegar sitting on a wooden table surrounded by apples and cinnamon sticks.

How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Neuropathy Pain Relief (And Why Fall is the Perfect Time to Try It!)

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senior woman resting on a bench with a blanket in autumn.

Exploring the Benefits of Weighted Blankets for Pain Relief During Fall Nights

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kids and adults trick-or-treating.

5 Tips to Enjoy Trick-or-Treating without Joint Discomfort

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senior couple wearing football jerseys, cheering on the couch in their living room.

How to Stay Active and Discomfort-Free While Watching Fall Sports

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senior man doing chair yoga in his bedroom in the morning.

How to Keep Moving Indoors: Joint-Friendly Exercises for Cool Fall Days

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senior man sitting on a bench outside during autumn, his hand is covering his forehead as he suffers from a headache.

Why the Season’s Changes Might Be Causing Your Headaches

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various fall foods, like pumpkins, apples, cinnamon, and nuts, that help fight inflammation.

Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice: Fall Foods That Help Reduce Inflammation

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What Are the Most Common Mistakes People Make When Managing Pain in Cooler Weather?

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yellow road sign that says

The Impact of Fall Allergies on Arthritis Symptoms

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happy senior woman embracing the fall air outside.

Fall into Comfort: Keeping Your Joints Happy as Seasons Change

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senior man with large backpack hiking on a trail in the fall.

Embrace Fall Hikes: 6 Tips for Comfortable Adventures

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heat versus ice

Heat or Ice? Which One’s Best for Your Aches and Pains?

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senior man leaning against a wooden rail lined against a lake as he gets a sudden cramp in his calf.

How to Manage Muscle Cramps During the Summer Heat

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senior man meditating by a lake.

How Outdoor Therapy Can Alleviate Chronic Pain

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4 seniors swimming in a lap pool

Sciatica and Swimming: Benefits and Precautions

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a senior couple smiling and giving a

Why Some Pain Conditions Improve in the Summer

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close-up of senior woman's hands crossed over her cane

7 Finger and Hand Exercises for Arthritis

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mountain view from Blackrock Summit

How I Managed My Pain During a Summer Adventure

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Happy senior woman with passport and travel ticket packed a red suitcase

Ask Me Anything: Managing Sciatica Pain While Traveling

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Cucumber and Mint Yogurt Dip in a glass bowl surrounded by mint leaves, cucumber slices, and a single lemon slice.

Recipe Corner: Cucumber and Mint Yogurt Dip

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woman using a black and green foot roller on the beach.

8 Practical Tips for Reducing Swelling in Hot Weather

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adult male with muscle pain in the bottom of his foot during running.

Managing Plantar Fasciitis in The Summer

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portrayal of woman with RLS

10 Natural Tips for Restless Legs Relief

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myths vs facts.

Debunking Sciatica Myths: Facts You Need to Know

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group of 4 seniors holding sparklers, celebrating July 4th

5 Tips to Enjoy the 4th of July with Joint Comfort in Mind

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senior man taking a picture of his wife as she poses in front of boats on a lake.

My Top 5 Summer Destinations for Seniors

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senior couple riding bikes along the beach.

Discomfort-Free Beach Day Essentials & Joint-Friendly Activities

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man sitting on the grass with one of his tennis shoes off as he ices his ankle with an ice pack.

Cooling Off: The Best Ice Packs and Alternative Options for Joint Pain

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man sitting on couch holding his knee in pain.

Navigating Knee Pain: Your Guide to Relief

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group of seniors enjoying a picnic together.

Joint-Friendly Foods to Pack for a Picnic

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two active seniors standing outside drinking out of water bottles.

Hydration and Joint Health: Why Water Is Your Best Friend This Summer

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older man with arthritis holding up his hand.

What's the Best Product for Arthritic Relief?

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Changing of the Guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

6 Must-See Historic Sites This Memorial Day

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group of seniors using resistance bands while exercising outside.

Gentle Moves, Big Impact: Arthritis-Friendly Exercises

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blue background. one hand holding up a speech bubble that says

6 Myths about Arthritis

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close-up of a senior holding their leg in pain from a leg cramp.

How to Get Rid of Leg Cramps

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senior woman laying on her side in bed, struggling to fall asleep.

How Fibromyalgia Affects Sleep & Sleep Strategies

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black and white image. back view of a man with his hands on his hips and lower back. red, inflamed spine can be seen through his shirt.

Managing Lower Back Pain: Finding Relief with Natural Remedies

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someone holding up a cutout of a healthy gut, above a counter covered with various gut-healthy foods.

What Foods Are Good for Your Gut Health?

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Earth Day: Taking Action for Our Planet

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older man standing outside, hunched over with his hand on his lower back because it hurts.

Tackling Degenerative Disc Disease: Let's Get You Back in Action

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woman lying on her back with one leg fully extended and one leg bent- practicing the hamstring stretch.

5 Stretches to Help Relieve Sciatica Pain

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close-up photo of someone's feet with drawn on smiley faces on their toes.

8 Tips for Keeping Your Feet Happy

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middle-aged man sitting cross-legged in front of a blue ocean background, with his hands on his head as if he's stressed.

8 Tips on How to Destress

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happy senior couple taking a selfie as they explore a nearby beach.

My Top 5 Spring Destinations

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woman wearing hiking gear, standing a top a rock and looking out on the ocean.

Spring Into Action: Tips for Safe Exercise After Winter Hibernation

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split in half. left side: background - bright green eucalyptus leaves; foreground - Outback Oil Roll-On. right side: background - broken snow against a light blue wall; foreground - Outback Pain Cream.

Outback Oil vs. Outback Pain Cream (Common Questions)

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